unusual sculptures for indoors and gardens
in business since 1992
selling safely online over 15 years!!
Our giant scollop makes the perfect birdbath
suitable for outdoors
wide : 42cm price : £47.95
Colours may vary slightly…. more info>click here
Pale, Dark
Tall: 25cm price : £25.95
Thes wall mounted divers look good in pair or individually.
tall : 26cm price each : £15.95
Our Kiss Water feature is inspired by the art of Franz Xavier Messerschmidt, an Austrian sculptor from the 18th century. Our original sculpture has been modified to take a 15mm water pipe enabling it to function as a unique, original water feature.
tall : 18cm price : £25.95
As with the lily pad frog but on a square base ( pump not included)
tall : 27cm price : £42.50